A great cup of coffee is worth the money, right?

Well, that all depends.

There’s a good chance you justify paying top-dollar for your favorite coffee because you don’t have to make it yourself. There’s the investment in the equipment and syrups. Or, spending that time just doing it. Being able to drop into a local coffee shop (or drive through) sounds good when you’re craving some java.

The True Cost of Your Favorite Cup of Joe

But… let’s do some math.

Like how you hear with personal finance-type posts, spending the $4.45 on a venti Vanilla Bean Crème Frappuccino at Starbucks each day of the work week quickly adds up. Take the 260 average workdays in a year and you’re spending $1,157!

That’s a mortgage payment and then some for a lot of us!

Compare this to buying a modest latte machine on Amazon (under $200) and some … Read More ...

Every Vietnamese dish is made with precision and greatness. Thus, it is filled with multiple advantages, mainly being healthy food. The dishes are appropriate for any meal of the day. Tasty food is always perceived to be unhealthy. Vietnamese food gives you a unique package of food that is tasty and healthy.

The fact that Vietnamese food is low in fat, gives it the advantage of being healthy. Thus, being the perfect alternative to fast fatty foods. Here are some more advantages of eating Vietnamese food.

Fresh food

The moment you walk into any Vietnamese restaurant in London you are assured of freshness. This mainly includes the ingredients used in the preparation of the food. They are not frozen, but straight from the market. The vendors at the Vietnamese markets also ensure their products are fresh from the farm. The food you are served is not preheated, thus making the … Read More ...