The Materials and Where to Buy Sustainable Food Packaging Supplies

When you’re running businesses in the food industry, you won’t only focus on your brand and signature menu. We are surely thinking about making a profit so that we’ll have funds for our daily expenditures, especially when there are staff who must be paid on time. Indeed, we’d like to serve delicious delicacies that customers will enjoy and reason why they’ll come back.

However, let’s not forget that we should also incorporate eco-friendly materials in our restaurants or fast-food chains. I know that a lot of companies in this field stopped using glasses to avoid accidents and this is why Sustainable Food Packaging was introduced. Thus, we must learn how to be friendlier for our environment’s safety because we’re all experiencing waste production and management issues today.

Don’t forget that people are fond of ordering snacks online nowadays, so these must be packed separately using disposable supplies. If we’re going … Read More ...

The Michelada: Summer’s Refreshing Drink

Whether you’re looking to purchase a bottle of Michelada mix or make your own Michelada recipe, you’ve probably got several questions about the best way to enjoy summer’s hottest beer cocktail. A Michelada recipe includes a key ingredient – light beer. It can be a favorite Mexican brand or just any light beer. You’ll also need tomato juice, either homemade Clamato juice or store-bought or just plain, fresh, or canned. Finally, you’ll want to include salty sauces, such as soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, or Jugo Maggi. You can even use teriyaki sauce if you like it spicier.

Make a michelada with a recipe

A Michelada is a popular Mexican and South American drink made with lime juice, lemon juice or tomato juice, assorted sauces, and spices. The beverage is typically served in a chilled, salt-rimmed glass. A Michelada recipe can vary slightly, depending on the type of beer used, and … Read More ...

How to Choose the Right Liquor for an Event

Thinking of throwing a house party or private get-together and popping the best 3l ace of spades champagne? If so, you know how important it is to keep things flowing smoothly. Even the smallest of details can make or break a night out. So how do you choose the right liquor for your event? Read on to find out. Whether you’re throwing a shindig in your home, office, or restaurant, you need to have the perfect drink available at all times. To ensure that your guests have the best time possible, there are certain guidelines that you need to follow when choosing the right liquor for an event. And we’ll discuss them all in this article.

Think about your audience

The first and foremost thing to keep in mind when choosing the right liquor for your event is your audience. How will your guests drink the liquor you’re serving? Will … Read More ...

The Different Types of Food Cultures

Food cultures are microbial preparations that use live species to improve or preserve food products. The process of adding cultures to a food product changes the characteristic of the food fundamentally. For example, dairy cultures are live bacteria used to ferment dairy products to provide the appropriate level of acidity. The bacteria will transform lactose into lactic acid and preserve the product’s nutritional value. In addition, food cultures can also add flavor or aroma to the food.


The origin of traditional foods varies significantly from place to place. Many dishes originated from housewives, who combined ingredients and techniques to create new dishes. These dishes eventually become classics and are linked to their country of origin, their specific products, and their traditions. In some countries, however, these dishes have become so common that they have become part of the typical cuisine. This article discusses the history of some of the … Read More ...

3 Tips for Cooking Food Safely

Keeping your food safe from contamination is an important part of good food preparation. Cooking thoroughly kills bacteria that can make your customers sick. By following a few simple rules, you can help keep your food safe from bacteria and keep your customers safe. In this article, you’ll learn about three easy ways to keep your food safe. After cooking, make sure to wash your hands and keep leftovers at room temperature. Lastly, separate raw meat, poultry, and seafood from your ready-to-eat foods.

Cleaning kitchen surfaces after cooking food

Before preparing and cooking food, you must ensure that you clean your kitchen surfaces thoroughly. Not only does this remove visible dirt and grime, but it also removes bacteria. Foodborne illnesses can develop due to bacteria remaining on surfaces for a long time.

Salmonella, for example, can remain on a surface for 32 hours before it causes illness. While cleaning removes … Read More ...