There are several tips that you can use for hiring catering services in Austin, TX.

Top Tips for Hiring a Catering Company

Catering Options

The first tip is to make sure that you narrow down some of your options. There is a big chance that you are not going to have the time or resources to go through a list of 100 different catering companies. Therefore, you need to narrow down the list as soon as you can. One of the best rules is to select at least three companies that have a good reputation for the quality of its food, good customer service, and reliability.

There are three main things that you can do to learn about the company. The first thing is to read the reviews that people have put online. The second thing is to contact them. This can be done online or through the telephone. Therefore, you will need to ask them … Read More ...

South Korean cuisine is unique and has little similarity with other Asian styles of cooking. In the past, South Korea was a primarily an agricultural nation, and as a result rice has been their staple food through the years.

A typical South Korean meal consists of soup, rice, rice water and a number of side dishes or banchan that can number anything from 3 to 20. The banchan or side dishes are all served at the same time and these may be dishes of chicken, fish, pork, beef and dog meat as well as several varieties of vegetables and greens. Kimchi, which is a spicy pickled vegetable and Deonjang, or soy paste that has been fermented are also served along with South Korean meals and these items add flavour to the meal with their tangy and salty taste and high nutritional content.

South Korean food can be very … Read More ...

Cooking Tips For Cakes and Batters

Cakes are made lightly by tiny bubbles of air or gas which have been introduced into the mixture during the making. The air or gas is usually introduced by one or more of the following ways:-

  1. Air is incorporated into the flour during sieving or rubbing in.
  2. Air is beaten into the mixture as in batters, or during the creaming of fat and sugar in a creamed mixture.
  3. A chemical raising agent such as baking powder is used to introduce bubbles of gas into the mixture.

Most cake mixture is made light and spongy by two or all three of these methods.

The action of baking powder.

Baking powder consists of an acid such as cream of tartar and an alkali, usually bicarbonate of soda. These two substances are mixed together in the correct proportions and when moisture is added, effervescence takes place and tiny bubbles of carbon … Read More ...