Hypertension – Telling My Spouse About Food The Terrible News Plus the Fantastic News

I left my doctor’s office two hours just after arriving. I decided I would drive to my wife’s function and tell her in particular person the negative news and the excellent news about my well-being. Instead of just sitting about and talking we went for a stroll and talk.

Honey, I have some excellent news and a few negative news, Let me provide you with the brief version in the course of our stroll starting with all the negative news;

  • I have high blood pressure that may be off the charts.
  • My meal consumption can not have more than 1500 mg each day of sodium.
  • Dining out at restaurants is history for me.
  • Dried spices have sodium so I cannot use them any longer.
  • I will almost certainly need to take medication for the rest of my life.

This data explains many issues that were taking place to me for … Read More ...