3 Ways to Jazz Up Your Macaroni and Cheese Recipe

Whether you’re a Michelin star chef, just starting out as a hot food merchandiser or are an aspiring home cook, you should have a good maraconi and cheese recipe in your repertiore. Once you’ve mastered it, try mixing things up with some of these fun new twists!

Baking and Frying

If you’ve never tried baked or fried mac and cheese, one bite will change your culinary perspective for good. Baking is an easier place to start, as all you need to do is load your finished pasta into a baking dish, top generously with bread crumbs and broil in a hot oven until golden brown. Deep frying takes a little more time and patience; you’ll need to scoop your mac into balls, freeze or thoroughly chill, coat with breading and fry until perfectly crisp. Either way, the results should add a delicious crunch and plenty of caramelized flavor to … Read More ...