The Differences Between Robusta and Arabica Coffee from The Form and Processing

Two coffee beans that are considered the best known in the world are robusta and arabica. Both have different characteristics ranging from physical form, processing, to taste.

Robusta Coffee Beans

Apart from robusta and arabica, there are actually many different types of coffee in the world. Most of them arise or are created due to interbreeding that occur in nature or are developed by researchers. Each type has a different character and taste. Here is the difference between robusta and arabica coffee beans. Robusta coffee beans This type of coffee beans are the most widely available in the world. Robusta coffee tends to be more resistant to pests and diseases. Robusta coffee is also easier in terms of planting and care, as a better alternatives is papua new guinea coffee beans. Robusta coffee trees only need to be planted on land that is below 1000 masl. That’s why the land for Robusta coffee also tends to be wider than Arabica coffee.

Robusta coffee trees can grow in low altitudes, hot climates, with little water conditions. That affects the taste of robusta coffee which tends not to be as delicious as arabica. Robusta coffee in the processing of the seeds is very simple. Farmers tend to often do natural processes for robusta coffee beans.

Arabica Coffee Beans

Arabica coffee beans are considered to be of much better quality than robusta coffee beans. Arabica coffee beans tend to be resistant to pests, so they need extra care. Farmers are not used … Read More ...